We finally decided that we are paying far too much rent for the house that we were in, looked around and realised that the market has changed an awful lot since we moved 18 months ago. We are now happily renting a different house in our town, and saving $150 per week! The compromise is that it is smaller, and a bit more basic, but still has a great yard that the kids are going to love.
Which all means that this weekend is going to be spent moving boxes of 'stuff' from old house to new house. How is it that we acquire so much stuff?? I thought I was ruthless last time we moved - I sent loads to the tip, to the charity bins and to friends.
But somehow, in 18 months it has all crept back in - I again have 8 large garbage bags full of kids' clothes to give to charity, not to mention toys toys toys toys toys...... heavens above, I think the stuffed toys have been multiplying in the toy box!
We made the emotional decision to sell the cot, high chair and baby rockers. Our little family feels complete... and if by chance a Number 3 comes along, we will just have to sort out what we need then.
AND the reason there are no pictures of the First Steps baby quilt that is now finished, and beautifully quilted by the very clever Tonia at Malanda Quilting is that the batteries in my camera are flat ... what craziness made me buy a camera that needs constant replacing of 4 AA batteries?!?! But I promise there will be photos very soon - I am so happy with the first quilt I have pieced in absolutely ages....
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