Friday, February 18, 2011


I am definitely basking in the afterglow of this piece of total cuteness...

It is the 'Afterglow' dress or nightie pattern by Make It Perfect.  I wasn't totally convinced by Naomi's fabric choice (hmmm.... I think something red, just for a change, Mummy...), which is Paradise Garden by Amy Butler, but I do like it a lot now!

My Miss Muffet likes to be able to get clothes on by herself, and hates the feeling that she can't just whip something off at a moment's notice, if a wardrobe change is called for.  So instead of the button and loop closure at the back, I opted for a tab with velcro closure, which she can reach back and rip open much more easily.

For some reason, I have been having visions of this very sweet, simple dress done in beautiful rich shantung silk, or duchesse satin, as a bridesmaid's dress.... what do you think?


  1. Love it, Can you make me one too. Size 16 please! As a bridesmaid dress it would be super cute.

  2. It's very pretty, would totally work as an adult dress. I quite like the fabric, too!


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