Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dream a little dream...

I am honoured to say that tonight I am speaking to the Tablelands Business Womens' networking group, on the topic of "Following Your Dreams and Taking Chances to do what you are passionate about".

I hadn't really thought about what I am doing in those terms, until I received a phone call from the organisers, asking if I would be guest speaker, on that topic.  But I guess that I really am living my dream - self-employed, in an industry I am passionate about, and selling things that I create with love.  What more could I ask (other than some cash flow!).

So what I am going to say tonight is -

* Sort out your real dreams from your daydreams, idle thoughts, random wishes etc...
* Create a plan for how you could achieve your dream, and how you can work towards it.
* Be realistic about the strengths and weaknesses of your dream - have a business plan, but do incorporate the 'dream' parts that make your idea uniquely yours.
* Decide if this is the right time - and if it's not, when  will be / when the kids go to school / when you have saved X amount of dollars / when the house is paid off etc.  Set a firm time frame.
* Factor in your family's lifestyle - both in terms of budget, children's needs, etc
* Be prepared to start small --- or very small!
* Is it worth it?? Hell yes!

Do you have a dream, and are you planning to follow it?

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