Friday, February 11, 2011

Our First Stockist! Shop Handmade, Canberra...

Oh, I am so excited as I write this... I should be sweeping the floor under the dining table, to remove the evidence of kids eating roast dinner.... but instead I am sitting here with a glass of wine, and some choc mint biscuits (mmmm.... my favourite!).  And pinching myself.  See this here beautiful shop?

It is Shop Handmade in Canberra... and it is the first B&M shop to stock Buster Boo hats.  AND they have already sold some - oh my goodness, can it really be true?!?!

If you are in Canberra, please go and check out this beautiful shop that supports handmade designers from all over the country.  And feel free to take some photos of the Buster Boo display, and send them to me... I hope to one day be able to visit and see them for myself!


  1. oh, that would be great Caitlin! I have heard that it is a very beautiful shop :-)


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